Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keys to Effective Learning: Review

Keys to Effective Learning: Study Skills and Habits for Success (6th Edition)

Keys to Effective Learning: Features

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Keys to Effective Learning: Description

Review "The Habits for Success, how they are integrated into the content, and how the text offers students the chance to practice them are what distinguish this text from other study skill texts." -- Deb Manness, Wake Technical Community College "This text is a comprehensive academic success skills workbook with activities that will engage your students. . . . In the learning styles chapter, I really like the [two inventories]. They work well together to help the student get a clear picture of who they are as learners." -- Fatina Taylor, Prince George’s Community College "KEL has done an excellent job covering some very complex issues in an efficient, engaging and appealing manner. . . I strongly believe that Listening and Note Taking is the best chapter I have seen. As for the ancillaries, I was extremely impressed with the break down of the topics [in the instructor’s manual], its map of the [PowerPoint] slides, icebreakers, test bank and teaching resources. . . . The test bank is wonderful." -- Leigh Smith, Lamar Institute of Technology "[KEL is] a wonderful textbook. The colors and graphics are inviting for student learning. It is written in a way that it is very much on the student level. It…[is] interactive for the students and a text that they can . . . take ownership of." --Tracy Cantelmo, Youngstown State University "KEL is user friendly, developed with the developmental student in mind, and appropriate for their needs. [The Habits for Success theme] is very positive. I like the idea of approaching the idea of study skills as changing habits. This is something that students can understand and it seems like a doable objective." -- Pat Grissom, San Jacinto College ˅ Show All Description ˅

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